From the standpoint of Sovereign Citizens, they would probably write a caption on the above photo, “I am today born a corporation, but one day I will be a free man upon the land!! YAY!!”
So, lets delve into the covoluted explanation of what Sovereign Citizens claim to be the biggest conspiracy against the United States Citizens of all time. Not really knowing history, they still go back in time and take unrelated events and weave them into the “evidence” to support their claims. As I have said before, these individuals ( I say that because they have no real leaders, unless you claim the typical YouTube guru spouting out his rhetoric) will ignore historical significance and map out the chronology of this supposed conspiracy, all in the attempt to claim rights not theirs and avoid responsibility and adherence to laws of the land. They will claim everyone who is born in the United States is a corporation (yes, that’s right, you are a corporation according to these wise ones) and you will never be free until you break away from your father corporation, the United States of America. Okay, let’s go through the events that lead up into this fantasy they have going on. Keep in mind, since these are indivduals, they tend to vary in explanation, but the following seems to be the popular one.
It all started in 1933, when they say the United States was taken off of the gold standard, and then ceased somehow of being a legitimate nation and became a corporation. This explanation is faulty in that the US didn’t even go on the gold standard until 1879, over a hundred years old, so when most of the Amendments of the US Constitution, since it was not on the gold standard at the time, those “rights” they claim were from amendments enacted by an illegitimate government, so they are not valid rights, using the same logic they use. So to be clear, accordind to their logic, the US was only a legitimate government for some 35 years.
But to continue, when the US went off the gold standard, they made agreements with other countries that put up every one born after this time to be some type of collateral to these contries for their future earnings. Every one born also had a trust set up by the US Treasury Department for a large sum, which is different depending who you speak to. Some say it is one hundred thousand dollars, where others say it is up to ten million dollars. If one knows how to access it, he can put depts, fines and so forth on this account for payment. When one gets a bill, all he needs to do is write something like “Received For Value” on it and the creditor will access their account for payment (yeah, good luck with that!).
They will tell you that the proof in this is that the UCC (Uniform Commerical Code) speaks of names written in all caps as proof of a corporation, which is a misinterpretation. They will tell you to look at your birth certificate, your Social Security card, and your driver’s license and notice that your name is in all caps. This is their sole evidence that we have all been born as a corporation, that is, our strawman has. Every one is born as a dichotomy, that is, your flesh and blood individual, and that corporate part of you which they generally call the “strawman”. The strawman, not you, is responsible of settling debts and obeying statutory laws (or policies, as they put it). The flesh and blood person should be free of these restrictions on their rights, and can be one day by filling out a number of forms and submitting them somewhere and by cancelling their social security card and driver’s license (and when they get to the age of drawing social security, they probably didn’t think that far in advance). When you have done so yourself you no longer have to abide by statutory, or state laws, but now you are under common (case) laws. You have separated yourself from your strawman and are now a free man (or woman) upon the land. If pulled by the police, they have no power over you and they are violating your rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
So let’s go through this step by step. When you are born, according to these wise ones, your strawman’s corporation and the trust is set up once you are named (in all caps, of course) and your social security number is generated as your corporate number. But going back to when they said it began in the 30’s, there was no mandate for children to get social security numbers. As a matter of fact, I didn’t get mine until 1979 (born in 1963) because I needed it to get a part time job at a grocery store. Moreover, it wasn’t until the Tax Reform Act of 1986 that the IRS required anyone claiming their children age five and older as exemptions to actually get one in order to be verified as valid. But the gurus on YouTube don’t want you to know about that. So all the ones born before that didn’t actually become corporations unless they need a job. You can see how this all falls apart when you are aware of history.
So let’s see the actual definition of a corporation, as put out by Brittanica (
corporation, specific legal form of organization of persons and material resources, chartered by the state, for the purpose of conducting business.
So, I guess the question I have is which state does the United States of America register their corporation with? If you, as a corporation, move to another state, do you have to register your strawman’s corporation with that state now? Hmm, if you take the time to think about what falls out when you put their argument to the “shake test”, their claim becomes more and more absurd.
Now, let’s talk about your name in all caps. Why is it that your name is printed that way, and is it proof that after the 1930’s individuals were born with a built in corporation? Let’s understand the process that is explained perfectly on the website TermsFeed
“Typesetting Limits
The preference to All-Caps also had a technical reason. In 1952, document formating was limited and word processing technology changed little until the mid-1980’s. Not only was All-Caps specifically mentioned by the UCC but it was actually the easiest way to make provisions conspicuous.
IBM Selectric typewriters increased productivity but their abilities were limited. While some models had the ability to underline, using All-Caps was an easier way to present contract provisions. All-Caps involved less labor and did not reduce typing speed as much as the several steps required for other formatting options.
Options expanded since the introduction of word processing and HTML. In addition to All-Caps, there is now bold, italic, and color font available in any word processing platform. While All-Caps remains a standby for specific provisions, it is not uncommon to see developers draft agreements using other ways to emphasize language.
Even with options, All-Caps is likely here to stay. It is easier to stick with previous formats when updating agreements. However, since the UCC, contract law, and privacy regulations only emphasize conspicuous language, there are deviations from this tradition.”
So, the reason all caps are now used is because it started with the limitation of the typewriters, along with the convenience and speed these documents were generated, and not because of the hidden meaning that sneaky US officials were making you their slave corporation.
At this time, it is important to point out there are two obvious errors with the SovCit’s ideology when it comes to the idea of the strawman corporation. They said that the United States was taken off of the gold standard in 1933. Actually, FDR outlawed citizens from owning but just so much gold, since they were hording it because of the recent Depression. He made it unlawful for citizens to make a practice of exchanging dollars for gold. However, the US Government continued to do so, until Nixon in 1971 put a stop to that and officially took US off of the gold standard as a way of curbing inflation and keeping foreign governments of draining gold reserves with the exchange of the dollar.
The second error is that if you Google images of birth certificates, you will find most names and information were hand-written way up into the last quarter of the 20th Century, with caps and lower case letters for the name. So, if what they say has any merit, they have screwed up the timeline. Using their logic, this did not happen until 1971, and not until they started typing birth certificate names on the form.
So, why do these SovCits (okay, okay, some will object being called that so Nationals, Morrish, etc, etc, etc) create this elaborate hoax to support their claims? The reason is as old as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If you know the Bible story, God told Adam and Eve they could eat of every tree of the garden except of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We know that Eve saw the one thing she was forbidden to have. With some coaching from the serpent (Satan incarnated), she felt she HAD THE RIGHT (is this coming clear?) when she didn’t to eat of the forbidden fruit. She was somewhat deceived, but Adam wasn’t. When she gave him to eat of the fruit as well, he did so with both eyes wide open, knowing it was wrong. He did it anyway. Then when God confronted them about it, the man blamed the woman and the woman blamed the serpent.
That is what these individuals do. They break laws, and when confronted by the police, they try to convince that they had the right to do what they did, and it is actually the police to blame for “not knowing the law”, “acting under color of law (my next project)”, and “violating their rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” They do this in an attempt to abscond from personal responsibility. LIke I’ve said before, they believe they have all the rights and none of the responsibilities. They are akin to those who would jump off a cliff and, if they survive, would blame gravity for the outcome.
Below is an instance of a sovereign citizen appearing on a video hearing before Judge Hurley who handles this individual beautifully: