Geographical Equity In Policing

(Disclaimer: This article is only the blogger’s opinion and should not be considered legal advice, nor should be depended upon as a proper defense in court. The reader should always seek the advice of a reputable attorney) From the start of my career, I observed a trend in law enforcement that I personally felt was,… Continue reading Geographical Equity In Policing

Victim Blaming VS Good Sense

If you look at the photo, that is the reason I did not use “common” sense for the title. It seems to be an endangered species. To illustrate, I just watched a YouTube video where a teenage girl (looked like 16 or 17) was standing on the outside of the escalator, grabbed a hold of… Continue reading Victim Blaming VS Good Sense

Officer, You Have Just Ruined My Life!!

I have heard this statement numerous times in my career while conducting traffic enforcement. It comes from those who do not wish to take any responsibility for their driving behavior, but blame the officer for their “misfortune”. They throw in our face the fact that we have “discretion” and if we weren’t such a (insert… Continue reading Officer, You Have Just Ruined My Life!!

The Season Of Peace

The Prophet Isaiah, by the inspiration of God, fortold the virgin birth of Jesus Christ nearly 600 years before the event. It would bring shepherds from out of their fields, bring wise men from the east, and would split time itself in half. In the prophecy of Isaiah, chapter 9:6, the prophet reveals several titles… Continue reading The Season Of Peace

The Real Trouble With Anger

I am now sitting here at my security job past the time I should have been relieved. I cannot leave this facility in that it is a federal installation and there must be security present on the property. Our security firm dispatcher has contstantly attempted to call the guard scheduled for this overnight shift, but… Continue reading The Real Trouble With Anger